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Finding your Strengths

September 1, 2018 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

This article explores the idea of finding your strengths as a way of increasing the depth and breadth of your capabilities. It considers two different perspectives of what a strength is, and provides some tools and resources to assist in identifying your strengths. These strengths can be utilised in dealing with adversity, and / or achieving optimum outcomes in your life.   

What is a strength

There are a wide variety of definitions. I consider a strength to be any asset or capability which can be used to solve problems, and achieve goals. Also anything that is a useful adaption in some circumstances. Capabilities such as reflection and procrastination are examples of capabilities which are useful in some cases, and not in others. Discerning when something is useful or not is the topic of another article.

Counselling / Social Work perspective

Within the counselling and social work community there is a framework called Strengths Based.  The idea is that clients who are struggling with historical or current issues tend to only see the world as containing problems. They can often see themselves as having little or no power in their life.   A Strengths Based approach validates their struggles, and more importantly their ability to survive in difficult circumstances. The therapist working with the client in unpacking their story will attempt to identify strengths that the client possesses. From my own experience as a therapist there are always some. For some people still being alive in spite of horrific life experiences is a strength.

Positive Psychology Perspective

From a positive psychology perspective, the purpose of identifying individual strengths is to then focus on utilising them.   Focusing on strengths results in enhanced well being and experiencing more positive emotions. Research suggests it is also protective against mental health symptoms.

Identifying Strengths

When attempting to find our strengths, we will often identify our strengths as things  that have been named by others. If people say we are funny, smart, kind,  tenacious etc, then we will identify with these. Or inner qualities that we feel have made a clear contribution to a particular achievement we are proud of. This makes sense but can be somewhat limiting as it starts to narrow our personal inventory of strengths. I am suggesting that doing a broader sweep of our life might reveal additional qualities which can increase our perceived overall capabilities. It may even allow us to expand our life choices.

Some tips and resources for finding your strengths

In digging for the less obvious, but somewhat hidden strengths, some things to consider are:

·         Difficult circumstances you have survived or are even currently surviving in . Things such as financial or health stress, loss of loved one to name a few.

·         Things that you have done which were outside your normal range of activities and / or situations. Maybe you consider yourself a passive person, but you have had to advocate. Maybe you are very outcome focussed, but found yourself in a situation which you just had to accept. 

·         If you are still struggling an excellent resource is the VIA Character Strength’s Inventory. Some  people use this as a way of only identifying their top strengths to focus on in order to maximise their potential which can be useful. I suggest using it to identify the diversity of strengths you have. When reviewing the report, consider all of the strengths you have as potential resources.

In finishing…

We all possess many capabilities and resources which can be utilised in dealing with life situations,  and / or enhancing our lives.  Looking at our life through the lens of strengths enable us to validate the resources and capabilities already in our possession. If we take an inclusive approach to developing a strengths inventory, it enables us to have a broader definition of ourselves, and what we are capable of.

I encourage you to start the journey of finding your strengths.

As always, any comments or experiences related to this article are appreciated.


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